My name is Laine

So glad to see you here! 

I'm not sure how I became the "archive keeper" of my family, but I am SO glad that I did. Something about holding onto all of those memories, a lot that I wasn't even present for, feels so special and nostalgic in a way. Hence my love of "lifestyle" and "documentary" style photography.

I grew up around musicians, artists, entrepreneurs, photographers and designers, so it didn't come as much of a surprise that I ended up following down the same path of finding my creative voice in photography. Over the years my need for being creative transformed from gardening to drawing, writing and playing music, to crocheting, making hair extensions and finally photography. All of which taught me something important enough to carry with me into new ventures.

My Mission

To strengthen and showcase your traditions, cultures and connection with what's important to you, by documenting and celebrating your journey at any and every stage.

Current Services

Event Photography and Portrait Photography. 

See details here.

Coming Soon...

Branding Photography.

A couple of my favourite photos

She's a Masquerader!

My first ever introduction to playing mas with my family. I grew up immersed in my Trinidadian culture, thanks to my parents. The food, the people, traditions, way of life and the carnival culture. 


My auntie and father looking like ICONS walking down the streets of New York (I think). Photos so old that they hold stories only able to be told by the people in them. 

I have so many questions...starting with who took this iconic photo!?

Let the stories begin.

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